As a practising artist and enthusiast into the brain and neuroscience, my concept to design an installation that fused these disciplines, interested me greatly. My personal experience of brain tumours, cemented a key idea for me, in using my personal experience and theoretical experience of the brain.
These ideas began to progress as I researched more into the specific brain tumour Glioblastoma Multiforme. The incurable and complex nature made me question why is this tumour so complex? This lead to my pursuit to source current research looking into treating this cancer.
I never thought that plants would have a significant impact within medicine, as western medicine views herbs and plants as alternate therapies with a lack of scientific efficacy. So, this surprised me when I found out that the plant Bacopa Monnieri, inhibited the proliferation of tumour growth.

How is this possible? Is this magic? No, it is science! According to research the plant contained ant-tumour properties called terpenoids, and when the cells of these plants are cultured and implanted into tumour cells, they inhibit the growth.
This began my journey into creating and designing a sculpture that illustrates how this plant can inhibit brain tumour growth.
When looking into this plant, I found that it was just a simple water plant, almost seen as a weed found in aquariums or grows in ponds. How is this plant, considered as a weed and nuisance, actually hold the key for a brain tumour treatment!
This began to create an interest paradox for me, a tool to use within my art! I found using a metaphor to illustrate how brain tumours are seen as a weed in the brain, presented a fascinating concept.
Okay so now we have a plan, we have an idea! Now the issue is how to visualise this through sculpture?
The visualisation of my piece began with my interest for resin. I began to experiment with casting plants in resin and became quite excited with this look. A resin sculpture could be a good way to go, to create a resin brain sculpture that would hold a live bacopa monnieri plant.

These started to become really exciting findings! And thus, developed my project to produce a virtual exhibition to showcase my work and sculpture that focuses on the brain tumour Glioblastoma.