What's Next?

Currently this virtual exhibition will stand as a trial version to inform me of how to further progress the exhibition within a virtual or in person space in the coming summer months of 2021. I am working on creating a larger scale piece to include within the final exhibition, as well as collaborating with further experts, such as soundscape designers and virtual reality experts.
I aim for this exhibition to illustrate the innovative treatments for brain tumours and how nature can be further implicated. In the future, I hope this exhibition creates a dialogue into medical practise and the involvement of VR for medical education and botany for patient treatment. I believe nature and technology should co-exist within the medical landscape, and further inform us about the mystery surrounding the human body and brain.
Gantt Chart

Katie aims to continue their research into digital, online exhibition practices to hopefully one day create their own. Either through working with other artists or by creating their own new media art pieces, Katie hopes to familiarize and inspire people with contemporary digital art. Their current research looks into using video games as a form of escapism and how this can help people who feel alone due to the current pandemic lockdowns.