After writing out my poem, I continued to consider the curation of my exhibition. I arranged a meeting with Mark to discuss what I would need for the exhibition and how the pieces will be displayed.
He made some really key suggestions, of using a projector to show my time lapse/endoscope brain video and a projector to show my wall text, so it wouldn’t affect the paint on the wall if it were decal.
Mark also suggested that I could 3D scan the gallery space to allow visitors to see the space virtually. For this, I would need to hire out the 3D metaport scanner, as well as the projectors, from the Fab Lab department.
After securing the equipment, I followed up with my collaborator Partha Vauide to discuss the process of my project and the various experiments. He made many useful suggestions in how I could display my experiments, and further practices I could implement.
He mentioned to me that I could use devices like light boxes and mirrors to provide an interesting perspective. As the plaster of paris vase is upside down and the blood vessels could not be seen, Partha suggested using a mirror underneath, so visitors could see the patterning of the brain.
With my agar brain, the transparency of the substance was not clear, for this reason Partha suggested using a light box to place under the agar, so that the roots of the plant were visible.
A final experiment that Partha suggested was to combine certain surgical and medical tools within an artistic context. Within Parthas’ surgeries, he often uses endoscope cameras, I found this particularly interesting to use when imaging the inside of my 3D printed brain.
I began to experiment with this further, through mimicking the role of intra-operative imaging, concerning the substance Gelolan. I found re-creating a medical theatre environment, would give visitors an insight into the surgeons’ eye.

Through altering the hue and colouring of the endoscope video, it would reveal a purple lens over the film, to echo the ultra-violet light used. The tumour would appear as a magenta colour, that reflects the Gleolan substance, detecting the brain tumour.

Once I received my feedback from Partha, I began to prepare for my mock viva and work on recording my poem. After recording my poem, I began to work into it further in the software garage band, in order to make it more atmospheric and give it an echoey feel, as if the voice was bouncing off the walls within the brain.
Although I felt that the poem went well with the endoscope video, I did have some apprehension with the time-lapse video, as it was just photos put together. I also felt that I maybe did not start the experiment early enough, as I only had photos from around 2 weeks. Although I could see some growth, I felt that the culmination of the photos would be short.
For this reason, I wanted to leave it to the very last day to put my video together, to ensure I had sufficient growth.
From conducting all my experiments and documentations, I began to put my works together in time for the exhibition.